This is one of those once in a lifetime –moments. Cos ppl are always asking me what I write on my blog I decided to do this one post in English. So get ready everyone. Here we go !
There are all those effing long posts about my days here in Oz but not really anything special about my new life as lonely traveler so I wanna let everyone know how it’s going. I’ve now been travelling alone for umm 3 weeks or so and gotta admit that I’ve had the best times of my life.
When I decided to leave my friends, Venla and Johanna, behind I wasn’t quite sure what to expect and yea I was pretty much freaking out on my last day with them. All these thoughts about how I’m gonna survive without them and what if I won’t make any new mates and what if I get lost or or or... Just so many questions that my head was about to explode.
My first stop as a lonely traveler was in Byron in this awesome hostel called Arts Factory. There I met so many awesome ppl that it’s insane ! I never thought that I could actually make so good friends in such a short time but hey ppl change ! Im nowadays being social and just totally different person who I used to be when I was still traveling with the two. I’m seriously just soooo happy ! Everything is just going so well and seems to be getting better and better. I talk more than anyone and with anyone I happen to meet. And when I try to tell ppl that I used to be reaaalllyyy quiet and all that shyt they just don’t believe me.
When I now look back to my days in bondi and everywhere... Just makes me sad ! It’s like I wasted 2 months of my trip. Thank god I had enough balls to say bye byee and start living my own life and make my own plans. I love the freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want to. I can be selfish and don’t need to do anything I don’t wanna. How awesome is that ? Extremely awesome –trust me. I love my life now. This is how I wanted it to be here down under. This is exactly the life I dreamt about for 2 years.
The only sad part nowadays seems to be the goodbyes. I hate it when I meet some really awesome ppl and then have to say goodbye. I hate that word. Goodbye. Makes me sad. You always tell ppl that you’re gonna meet them up again but deep down you know that there is this huge possibility that you won’t. But at least you have all the great memories and photos and maybe some names on your shoes…
I’ve now been in Australia for 3 months and I love it. I have no idea when I wanna go back home and not even gonna think about that. I’m enjoying my life here and even though I miss my mates, family and life back in Finland I have no hurry to go back. Snow... chills.
Guess Ill now head outside to do what I do best. You all know what I mean.
It starts with A.
ai oli noin perseestä olla meijän kaa. oke.
VastaaPoistaOlipa ihanaa lukea jotain uutta taas, oon tässä odotellutkin jo ;) heh, ei paineita. Elän täysillä sun menossa mukana henkisesti enkä malta oottaa omaa matkaa joka starttaa ensi elokuussa! :) nauti! ps. Vaikka kavereiden kanssa onki ihan kivaa matkustaa, niin ei se oo mitään verrattuna siihen että on yksin. Se vapauden tunne nyt vaan on ihan eri. Eikä siinä pitäisi olla mitään pahaa tai kenenkään siitä tarvi pahoittaa mieltään.. :) u go girl!
VastaaPoistapps. HBD!
VastaaPoistaela ny ymmarra vaarin mut ihan tosi eihan mun reissaaminen teijan kaa ollu sita mita ma halusin. alkuun tottakai oli iha taydellist ja jeejee mut loppuvaiheessa mua vitutti jatkuvasti. enka ma ny teita siita syyta et meijan ajatus reissaamisesta oli nyt ihan erilainen mita alkuun luulin. aina ei mee ajatukset yksiin ja plaaplaa. ku sa vaa nakisit mut nyt ni saki ymmartaisit mun pointin. hiljanen puhumaton emmi on kuollu ja kuopattu ja yltiososiaalinen jatkuvasti aanessa oleva kalattaja on syntyny.
ihan hassua.
VastaaPoistahei kiitti ! ihana saada valilla kommenttia salaisilta lukijoilta. toivottavasti sun odotus menee nopeesti ja paaset pian iteki tanne taydelliseen maahan !