On my last weeks in Australia I really missed home. You know. My dog, my mates, family. I even missed Finland and all the finnish ppl with their ignorance. I missed absolutely everything. And planned all the awesome stuff I would do when heading back. Ha Ha Ha. Please. What was I thinking ?
I have now been back in Finland for what.. 3 months now ? Even more ? No clue. Doesnt really matter. All I know that coming back wasnt that great that I had in mind.
The first weeks were awesome. It was so good to be back. I had great time and really enjoyed everything. It seemed that everyone had missed me and I had missed eveyone.
But now.. ehh.
I realized that most of my days aint filled with crazy adventures and weird people anymore. Instead they are filled with.. nothingness. All my mates are busy with their school and work and who am I to blame them. I have nothing to do during the days. No studying (Thank god for that) no real work and defs no money. Feels pretty good.
I dont know if you can bore urself to death but Im pretty sure we will soon get to find out cos rite now Im the biggest no-lifer I know.
Life ? What is it ? Yup never heard of.
Im already making new plans. Plans that just keep changing every day. The biggest problem seems to be that I have no idea what i want. Everything was so much easier when there was just that one little plan and yeah you got that one rite. It was the trip to Australia. And even thought the plan kinda changed when I got there it didnt matter cos back then I only had that one plan.
Okay yea I did plan to go there with a mate and ended up traveling alone. And yes I was supposed to stay for only 3 months. Ended up staying for 9 months instead. And yea plenty of the stuff kinda ended up differently. But I didnt mind. It was just part of the adventure and I was rocking it.
Of course there were times when I felt lonely and bored and got sick of the rain (seriously what was going on with the rain ?) or whatever. It wasnt always exactly super-awesome to travel alone and to be honest it can be pretty shitty sometimes but luckily most of the times it is still the best thing ever.
I thought that after spending a lil bit time abroad I would know what I wanna do with my life. Kinda waited for the vision where Dumledore comes to tell me I need to save the world or some shyt.
Sadly that didnt happen.
Instead Im planning my next trip to Oz and a lil trip around the world. I have no idea how Im gonna make it all happen but after all my dreams seems to have a wicked way of coming true so I guess all I need to do is stop whining. I hate whining. I hate people that whine. I cant stand it. And now Im doing it. Hate it. Gotta stop.
I have no idea how to make this crazy puzzle in my head into one clear picture but Ill just keep being awesome. I suck with planning but what comes to being awesome.. I am the greatest.
Okay now I have to admit that this post has no idea. Didnt quite come out like I had it in my mind but hey that happens.
Especially when its 3am. And cos of that I will not be bothered to read this through and correct all the misspelt stuff (there must be heaps). And Im sorry that prolly none of the sentences make any sense to anyone. My brains are already asleep and getting ready to wake up 4.30am on monday morning cos this lazy ass is going to work. So I will spend my sunday in bed checking flights to Australia.
Oh did I forgot to mention Ill be heading back if even once everything goes according to the plan ?
No matter what this girl loves her life. But she also likes to complain.

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